Saturday, November 9, 2019

Benefits of Spring Framework

Benefits of Spring Framework in Java

Spring Framework's fundamental mission is to simplify Java development. 

Four key strategies which Spring  uses for simplifying java development are :

1. Lightweight nature of Spring and non invasive POJO development.
2. Using Dependency Injection for Loose coupling.
3. Declarative programming through aspects.
4. Boilerplate code is eliminated with aspects and templates 

Spring is Light weight .Spring provides different modules and allow us to use any one based on the requirement, Ideally the spring jar is just 2-3 MB. 

Increasing the power of Non Invasive Pojos.
While using most of the frameworks during java development like Struts 1  and Ejb 2, we have to extend framework related classes or implement interfaces. This makes our Java beans coupled up with the framework decreasing its re-usability. Spring avoids (as much as possible) littering your application code with its API

While using Spring we are not forced to implement a Spring-specific interface or extend a Spring-specific class. Although these Spring POJOs are very simple but can be powerful through the use of Dependenct Injection and AOP. 

For Training Check my Website Online Spring Framework Training From India